In basic Chinese theory colds and flu are attributed to an invasion of exterior pathogenic factors. Wind in particular is considered to lead evils into the system. One of the ways it is believed that we pick up this "evil qi" or pathogen is through the exterior portion of the body. An acupuncture point that is vulnerable to this attack is Du-14, known as the Great Vertebrae. This point is located at the neck, below the seventh cervical vertebrae.
One of the best ways to protect this point is to wear a scarf when walking outside. This way the back of the neck is protected from wind and pathogenic invasion. This ancient theory can help you this season to ward off illness along with your other immune boosting tools.
One of the best ways to protect this point is to wear a scarf when walking outside. This way the back of the neck is protected from wind and pathogenic invasion. This ancient theory can help you this season to ward off illness along with your other immune boosting tools.